Loop Head Tourism Gift Vouchers
Loop Head Tourism Gift Vouchers

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Fishing Adventures
Fishing Adventures

Fishing Adventures Ireland

Fishing Adventures operates from the beautiful unspoilt fishing village of Kilbaha, on the Loop Head
Peninsula and ”Wild Atlantic Way” where the Shannon Estuary meets the mighty Atlantic Ocean.
And the beauty of it is you don’t have to spend hours on the boat travelling to and from the fishing
grounds, they are right on our doorstep.

The Isle of Aran usually leaves the pier in Kilbaha around 9 a.m. and returns around 5 p.m. It takes
about 20 minutes to reach Loop Head and the Atlantic Ocean so you are fishing within 20 minutes of
leaving the pier and not spending a lot of time travelling to and from the fishing grounds.

The Atlantic Ocean on the west coast of Clare is renowned for its abundance of fish species, too
numerous to mention them all, but mackerel, cod, ling, pollock, whiting, haddock, wrasse, and flatfish
would be some of the more plentiful species. And of course not forgetting our shark species like six gill,
blue, porbeagle, tope, skate, spurdog, dogfish, bullhuss, and ray. Fishing Adventures is involved with the
Marine Sportfish Tagging Programme so all of our sharks are documented, tagged and released


  • Fishing
  • Family fishing
  • Dolphin-watching
  • Stag and hen parties
  • Children’s outings
  • Birdwatching tours
  • Eco fishing


Kilbaha pier.
West Clare.




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