Loop Head Tourism Gift Vouchers
Loop Head Tourism Gift Vouchers
Halla Eoin Kilbaha

Halla Eoin Kilbaha

10 Dec, 2021

Halla Eoin Kilbaha

A big dream in the small village of Kilbaha was to transform what had been a dilapidated Community Centre into a warm, welcoming place that’s alive with activity. That has certainly been achieved.  With the hopes to host Dark Sky events, bingo, yoga, film nights, art classes and talks. Right next door in the Church is a heritage treasure, the Little Ark – which will feature in displays in the centre, along with local history, wildlife and the unique geology of Loop Head. The only community centre, located west of Kilkee, Halla Eoin will once again be a resource for all local communities as well as for visitors to the area.

Follow Halla Eoin Kilbaha Facebook Page for regular updates


As in-person fundraisers are not possible at this time the community has relied on the generosity of online donations to bring this project to fruition.  If you wish to donate please click below.


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